Monday, April 21, 2014

Just Gotta Praise Him

I Just Gotta praise Him ..even on a train
Early this morning I ran my errand and the city was on silence as if God had commanded it in honor of His Son today and Pandora was streaming Praise and Worship Pandora Pentecostal Style!

Waiting on trains and walking through the subway tunnels this morning my foot tap turns to a serious rhythm in accord with my hand pat on the leg; and the more Pandora jammed and my mind got fixed on Jesus laying His life down for my sorry and unworthy self, I thought “who does that?” but Jesus! Thus, my foot patting praise became hand clapping praise and humming, folks looked and double looked but at that moment (and that is all any of us ever has), no Easter clothes and hat, Bishop to prime me to worship my Lord, no pomp and circumstance, just me and my Lord who is due all my praise.

As I’m getting my praise on in the subway, I began thinking of some of the reasons I have to praise the Lord. First, for just being Lord, I'm waaaayyy too blessed and thankful not to give thanks and adoration. And His GRACE that He gives me wow! He hides me and protects me and is merciful!!!! When I get out the bed in the morning in excruciating pain trying to get my body to stand and hold me in the process -Jesus is there carrying me; every time my little girl leave my side and goes out into this big bad World - Jesus is there, every time I swipe a card, get groceries, do laundry, pay my rent, pay a bill, hey, get my hair done!!! y'all hear me? Jesus provided a way. Every time my credit score improves, every time a financial blessing comes my way, every time a door opens or closes -it’s Jesus, every time my family and friends make it back home and some have not – it’s Jesus!

I just can’t be concerned about what folks think or can wait for a church to “open” every time I have praise, I would be in “Church” 24 hours a day! I will cut a step and shout out hallelujah in the middle of the street, post office, car, where ever! Because no human can provide, love, look out and cover me and my house like the Lord! So I can’t “wait” to thank Him. It’s a relationship! I don’t wait to tell Danielle I love her until we get home or to a place where everyone is doing it so I am “comfortable” and or understood.  He waits on it and loves our praise! We like accolades and demand them in some situation-and who are we? What miracle have we preformed? What life have we saved with our own?

I may have looked crazy, but on the contrary, crazy is being ashamed to thank the Lord for bringing your babies back home each day, crazy is not thanking the lord that you are walking and talking, and for me personally that I am in my right mind even if it is only a few times a month.

He's got me covered and I got His praise and adoration covered.

 “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:22

I dare you to praise The Heavenly Father aloud and unashamed be it at work, in the store, when ever and where ever you feel led to say “thank ya Lord!”

It’s a life style and relationship, it’s not a show or thing to do, it’s who you are and what you do; and the only true, uncomplicated and purest form of relationship and love you will ever experience.

Let Easter live everyday in you.

Praise Him for He has risen – He has risen INDEED!

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