Tuesday, August 6, 2013

David Brings Back the FORESKIN????? But Why!!!

I gave a glimpse into the next bible history lesson last week. What was going on with David and bringing back foreskin to King Saul. I mean Saul was setting him up big time asking him to kill 100 Philistines as a dowry for his other daughter, all while hoping he was killed by the Philistines; remember King Saul began to hate on David (jealousy and hate = a bad combination)
But David not only killed 100 Philistines he killed an extra 100=200 Philistine and THEN if THAT was not enough he CIRCUMCISED these men. Another bloody mess, but this is war between the Philistines and Israelite..remember Goliath – Philistine.
So Hunny/Kelli why did David cut of these men foreskin (circumcise them)????
David was bringing them under submission to his God and the Israelite’s covenant with God; which is that men (boys) were/are to be circumcised, that is why the majority of boys today are circumcised (I am not sure if parents/Doctors understand the bible history about it, but I doubt a doctor just decided one day to cut off a new-born boy’s foreskin…there is a history behind it).
So David KNOWS that the Philistines are uncircumcised, so he brings them under submission of his God through the cutting off of the foreskin…..King Saul, back up off David. All that would have been enough for me, bring me back 200 men foreskin right after the head cutting and walking back through town with it and all in the name of God..fall back King Saul..fall back..you must know by now who David’s God is.
When you slay those situations/people in your life in the name of God….think about how God kept David though situations that should have killed HIM….same God then and forever more (only we change God NEVER does)
1Samuel 18: 17-30

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